Premium Coffee Group AG
Sonnen Str. 9
6300 Zug

Michael Wagner


Privacy and terms of service
The content of the website of Premium Coffee Group AG (hereinafter referred to as PCG) is continuously checked and kept up-to-date.

Viewing and reading the website does not constitute a contract for a service between the user and PCG. The information on the website is provided as a courtesy by PCG to all visitors and does not constitute a service. PCG does not warrant the timeliness, accuracy, or completeness of the website.

The content published on the website of PCG is subject to Swiss copyright law. Written permission from PCG is required for the copying, editing, translation and reproduction of content in databases or other electronic media and systems.

For a link to the website of PCG, written consent must be obtained.

Copies or downloads for private use are permitted without consent.

Anyone wishing to use the content or other information, e.g. in the imprint, for advertising purposes must obtain written permission. Otherwise, such use of the website of PCG is expressly not permitted.